Koru Team News: Term 3, Week 10 (27/09/2024)

 Kia ora e te whānau,

Wow we have reached the end of Term 3! What an awesome term it has been! We asked the tamariki what their highlights from this term have been and they said:

  • "Learning everything"
  • "Being in Kōmanawa"
  • "When you come in and the teachers say a warm welcome"
  • "Coming to school"
  • "Playing with my friends"
  • "Having lovely teachers"
  • "Everyone being kind to everyone"
  • "Bounce and Skip Handwriting"
What an insightful and caring bunch!

Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at what makes our Kura (school) special, and have been doing some activities surrounding this. It has been really special teaching and learning about our Kura and the community that surrounds us. We also celebrated Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week). The tamariki learnt a new kupu (word), and kīwaha (phrase) for each day. These have been pasted below, have a go at trying these out at home over the holidays!

Kupu (word):
  • Pukapuka - Book
  • Hoa - Friend
  • Rorohiko Pōnaho - Laptop
  • Kōrero - to speak/talk
  • Mīharo - Wonderful
Kīwaha (phrase):
  • Karawhuia - Give it heaps!
  • Wananei - Wicked!
  • Kia tau - Relax
  • Ka mau te wehi - That's amazing!
  • Nāu āno i mahi - You did it!

Here are some photos of what are tamariki have been up to lately:

Reminders for Term 4:
  • Sunhats: In Term 4, children need their sunhats every day. If these are not brought to school, your child will stay under the veranda in the shade during Little and Big play. These will be kept in your child's bag and taken home and bought back each day. Thanks for your help with this!
  • Sunscreen: Please apply sunscreen to your child before coming to school if you wish for them to wear this. We will have a bottle in the hub for children to reapply throughout the day if needed. If your child needs their own sunscreen, this can be bought to school in a named bottle, and will be kept on the teaching station. 
  • Lunchboxes: Please ensure for next term your child is only bringing water to school (no juice or other drinks). We would also love if we can refrain from having lollies/candy in your child's lunchboxes as well. It is important to help teach your child how to open and close their lunch boxes, so they can do this independently at the start and end of eating times. It would also be amazing if you could either pre-cut or teach your child how to open packets in their lunchboxes (for example potato sticks, chip bags, twisty yoghurt pouches, muesli bars etc.) Thank you for your help in this!
  • Literacy Folders: Please bring these back every day
  • Library Folders and Poetry Books: These are needed on Fridays for our new poems, and also so that new library books can be issued. 
  • Changes to contact details - If there has been any change to your contact details, or those of the emergency person you have for your child, please advise the office so they can be updated.

We hope you all have a fabulous, safe, and relaxing school holidays, and we can't wait to see you all refreshed for a wonderful Term 4!

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou,
Georgia, Stacey, Elizabeth and Nicola

