Kia ora whanau,
We hope this finds you all well-rested at the end of our mid-winter holiday.
We are very excited to have Amanda Gray and 7 new children now based in Room 13, and working towards collaborating with Andrea and the children in Room 12. A warm welcome to Amanda and her wee ones and their families: Ash, Dan, Bobbi, Alexandra, Jamie, Willow and Lindsay. We look forward to Amishal and Levi who are starting school next week.
Some things to note:
- Gymnastics will be on Friday, Week 2 – please send children in socks, and preferably no dresses that day, as children will be in bare feet and doing rolypolys! Parent help with gymnastics would be fantastic so if you have any spare time on Fridays, please let your child's teacher know. We shall get back to you as soon as we have definite times, but at the moment, it's probably going to be between morning tea and lunchtime (10:50 - 12:30)
- Parent help at any other time during the week is also greatly appreciated! Please see your child's teacher if you are interested.
- PRIDE Assembly will be held this Friday (July 24th) starting at 9:45 with a welcome to all new children (all Room 13 children as well as Haile and Ella from Room 11)
- Our Art focus this term is printmaking. We are working towards a whole school Art Exhibition (in Term 4 Week 2 Friday 23rd – Monday 26th October which is the centenary weekend) as well as producing PTA calendar art works
- Library time reminders: Room 10 and 12 – Fridays; Rooms 11 and 13 – Thursdays (books back to class first thing that morning - please remind your children about this routine!)
- Reading Logs – please remember that these are kept in your child's reading folder and should be filled in each night with a positive comment about how the reading sounded
- Throughout next week, our writing and reading is going to have a doggy focus! Jo will bring her dog, Zoe, to visit on Friday, around about midday, and Tracy (who teaches in the Intermediate Hub) will bring Beau, our school dog over to visit next week
- This Friday afternoon, Amanda is going to be away - Nadine will be teaching in Room 13 for the afternoon. Next week, Jo is going to be away on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Cath will be teaching in Room 11 on those days.
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