Week 1 of the Holidays!

Kia ora,

We hope you are all doing well in your 'bubble'. The teachers have been relaxing this week through baking, art, reading and taking walks or biking, applying the physical distance rule, around the local area.

There are some lovely autumn colours to see on the walk around the neighbourhood.

Wow! We have loved seeing the creativity and fun that has been happening during the first week of the holidays.

Thank you to our tamariki who shared a photo with us. We hope you enjoy seeing what your teammates have been up to.

 Meet Ele-funky

 Yum! Home baking

 Playdough party fun

 Check out that 'air'

 Wacky hair day

 Dinosaur and playdough fun

 Alphabet time

 What a busy week

 Lots of different ways to go on this train track

Jumper Family letter 'm'

We will do another post after Easter, so please, send in your favourite photo from the second week of the holiday, by Monday 13th April.

Elizabeth's email address: elizabethgail.drummond@beckenham.school.nz
Jo's email address: jo.smith@beckenham.school.nz

Ngā mihi mahana,

Elizabeth, Stacey and Jo
