Koru are visiting the Short Film Festival!

8th August 2017

Dear Whanau,
On Thursday 17th August, the Junior School have been fortunate to be invited to the Isaac Theatre Royal to attend the International Short Film Festival. The children  will view a variety of short films designed to introduce an alternative Art form and inspire some creative writing over the term. We will need several parent helpers to accompany each class and we hope that you are able to help. We will leave school at 9:30am  and return by 11:30am. The cost of this trip per child is $9.40, including admission and bus.   A request for this donation will be added to your school account.
Please email your child’s point of contact teacher if you are able to help.
Kind regards, Koru Teaching Team
Sue, Amber, Dorinda, Charlotte, Caitlyn, Rowe, Elizabeth and Gail
sue.leadbetter@beckenham.school.nz amber.donovan@beckenham.school.nz charlotte.verity@beckenham.school.nz caitlyn.downing@beckenham.school.nz rowena.barker@beckenham.school.nz elizabeth.drummond@beckenham.school.nz gail.turner@beckenham.school.nz
