Kia ora e te whānau,
Your children have made an absolutely amazing start to school! We have been so proud of the way they are independently unpacking their bags so beautifully and organising their lunches and drink bottles, and then saying their goodbyes (sometimes with a wee bit of support, which is absolutely to be expected).
On our first day, after calling the register, singing the National Anthem and saying our karakia, we played a 'getting to know you' circle game, in which we introduced ourselves and told everyone what our favourite colours are and then, the second time around, what our favourite foods are.
Later on, we went on a boundaries walk and talked about the places where the New Entrant children can play at break times, and then the children all practised washing their hands properly before having their morning kai. Perhaps they might give you a little demonstration of how they are able to wash their hands - they're absolute experts!!
After little play, the children then joined up into little groups with each other and explored some of the spaces, equipment and toys that we have, including the jigsaw puzzles, the vehicles, the family corner, the Sylvanians and other small world characters, the train set, and the castle and castle characters.
We also managed to fit in some art work, with some of the children decorating their names using beautiful collage materials. This art work will form part of our 'Welcome' wall display eventually. This week, the children are going to draw self portraits, which will also be added to this display, along with some of the photos that we're taking during the day.
We also visited the library, after the Welcome Assembly on Friday. We hope you enjoy reading together, the two library books which your children have brought home. Please ensure that the library books remain in the library folder at home during the week while not being used, in order to keep them safe, and then make sure that they are returned to school on Friday this week. Two library books will come home each week, as long as your child has returned the previously borrowed books.
What follows is a selection of the photos that were taken last week:
Visiting the wharepaku and learning how to wash our hands thoroughly. |
Walking around the areas we're able to play in. |
Learning what the yellow line means. |
Walking from Hangere to the library, office area and junior playground. |
Having a chat with Sandy, who we bumped into as we were walking through the courtyard. |
After exploring the library, posing for a group photo in the library nook. |
Learning about what the yellow spot on the picture books means. |
Showing teamwork as we complete the Rapunzel jigsaw puzzle! |
Nearly there... |
Practising our drawing and writing skills. |
Sharing and working together while playing with the cars and trucks. |
Exploring numbers and shape using the Numicon. |
Showing persistence to fill the 10 by 10 grid. |
Taking time to have a quiet read. |
Working on the alphabet puzzle. |
Observing and listening carefully to instructions, prior to beginning our name collage activity. |
Playing with the small world characters. |
Working closely together, while playing with the small world characters. |
Talking together about the ongoing story which underpins the play. |
Working together, while sharing and playing with the vehicles. |
That car carrier certainly is completely loaded up! |
Playing with some of the aeroplanes. |
Team work required here, to complete this challenging jigsaw puzzle. |
Discussing strategy. |
The jigsaw team, very pleased with the finished product (what a shame to find that one piece was missing though, although all credit to the team for feeling neither frustrated nor too disappointed!).
We trust that this finds you at the end of a wonderful long weekend, and Waitangi Day in particular. We're looking forward to seeing all those gorgeous smiling faces back at school in the morning, all ready for the week ahead!
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou, Elizabeth, Stacey, Georgia and Sonya |
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