Kia ora koutou,
We hope that this finds you at the end of a lovely weekend with your families, and we look forward to seeing your wee ones with their beautiful, wide smiles, tomorrow morning!
Our focus in this post is on Maths, and in particular on the Maths strand area of Probability. In the first week of the previous fortnight, we focused on developing the language of probability, introducing such terms as 'always', 'perhaps', 'certain', 'possible', 'impossible', 'will', 'might', 'won't', 'will', 'maybe', 'never', 'yes', 'no'. The context for this learning took the form of familiar stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Man, Cinderella and Maui Catches the Sun, and the children were asked such questions as 'Do you think Little Red Riding Hood will see a tree on the way to Grandma's house?' and 'Do you think Red Riding Hood will see a hedgehog in the forest?'
Whatever the children's decisions, they were always asked to justify their thinking.
During the second week, we learnt more about probability by playing card games, such as Memory, using sets of animal cards (including various numbers of animals, at the most, ten cats, ten dogs, six mice and one pig). As we played the games, we thought about how likely it is for 'an event' to happen, for example, 'What are the chances of picking up two cats as opposed to picking up two dogs?' The children were asked to think about such questions as:
- What card do you think you will turn over next? (given the cards that have already been turned over)
- Why do you think that?
- Which cards do you think will be last?
- Which are the hardest pairs to find?
- Which are the easiest pairs to find?
In this game, Feeding Greedy Cat, which cat will get the most fish, the blue cat or the red cat? |
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Was there a lucky colour in your game? |
In this game, was it better to be in the team collecting the same cards or the team collecting the different cards? |
Which card do you think you'll turn up next? And why do you think that? |
Is it certain, possible or impossible for Cinderella to see a hot air balloon on her way to the palace? |
Will the gingerbread man always, possibly or never see a tractor on his way to the river? |
What are the chances that the first card you turn over is a dog? Why do you think that? |
Which card will you choose to turn over next? |
Which are the hardest pairs to find? Which are the easiest pairs to find? |
Are you collecting pairs that are the same or pairs that are different? Is it better to collect pairs that are the same or pairs that are different? |
Which coloured cat is going to get the most fish? |
Is there a 'lucky' colour? Was the same colour 'lucky' every time you played the game?
Our Probability focus gave the children an in-depth look at uncertainty and chance, in a variety of situations. They were given the opportunity to acknowledge and anticipate possible outcomes, always justifying their thinking each step of the way. What a lot of fun we had in Maths throughout this last fortnight!
...and one final message - many thanks to you for the continuing support you are giving your children with their learning, by helping them to practise their heart words, their sound cards and their reading at home with you. The difference this makes is invaluable and we certainly appreciate it enormously.
All best for the week ahead! Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou, Elizabeth, Georgia, Nicola, Stacey and Jeanette |
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