Kia ora koutou,
We have loved catching up with the children over the course of this week, and hearing all about their lockdown experiences! It has been lovely to see the enthusiasm about being back at school, and to see friendships continue to strengthen.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your flexibility and efforts throughout the lockdown. We have noticed improvements across many areas, and the children have come back with an engaged attitude to learning.
We would like to introduce Leonor, Terence and Stella who have joined the Koru team following lockdown. We are delighted to have them join us. They have settled in beautifully and are already developing new friendships. We welcome Charlie back following his trip to see family in France.

Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori:
This week the children have enjoyed listening to Māori Myths and Legends, including 'How Maui Slowed the Sun.' Children were encouraged to retell different parts of the story during whole class shared writing. They talked about how Maui and his brothers felt throughout the story and how they worked together to solve the problem of their days being too short.
Children have created some amazing Māori art work, both collaboratively and independently. They have also been given opportunities to sing, count to 10 and say simple sentences and answer questions in te reo Māori such as, "Kei te pehea koe?" (How do you feel?), "Kei te pai ahau" (I am good).
We have continued with our Wellbeing program and this week our focus has been 'Taha Tinana' which is our Physical Wellbeing. It is about how our body feels, moves and how we take care of it. The children have come up with many ways they can keep fit and healthy. They have participated in physical class games and yoga.
We hope you enjoy looking at the photos of our children in action throughout the week.
How Maui Slowed the Sun
Independent Art
We Get There Together
Children have continued with their Structured Literacy learning and it is fantastic to see their proud faces when they learn a new letter sound, complete a stage or read their book independently. We want to thank you for helping your child with their letter sounds, heart words and reading each night. It really makes a huge difference with their confidence and momentum.
Thank you for your patience and preparing your child for the Level 2 drop off and pick up. We are very impressed with how well the children have adapted to this and have quickly eased back into school routines, with an independent skip in their step! We love sparking the children's curiosity and creativity during our learning through play. We will continue to nurture this aspect of their learning throughout the remainder of this year.
Have a lovely and relaxing weekend together.
Ngā mihi mahana,
The Koru Team: Elizabeth, Tracey, Nicola, Chelsea and Stacey
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