Kia ora whanau,
In Term 2 the
Year 1/2 Koru studentsin will be attending 2 weeks of lessons at Aqua Gym starting on 28th of May toFriday1st June and then again from the 5th to the 8th of June.
do expect all our tamariki to participate in swimming lessons and if your child already attends lessons outside of school our school based lessons will enhance the learning and skills they are getting.
The cost of providing this instruction is$105 per child. Thiswillcover boththe lessons and the transport cost. We are applying forgrantfundingto try andbring this cost down.A request for your contribution to this will be in the Term 2 accounts.
We do appreciate that this is not a cheap exercise. We also know that learning to swim is a fundamental skill for our young children.
Koru Teachers: Amber, Dorinda, Caitlyn, Charlotte, Kristika

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