Thank you
Thank you so much for all your support this term. We appreciate the parents who come in to help in a variety of ways including sorting and putting books away, helping make and sort resources, listening to children's reading, coming on trips, offering resources that support our prgrammes and all the positive comments you make that help make our days brighter. We have had a fabulous term in our new learning spaces.
The children had a fabulous fun filled time at Olympia Gym. They were divided up into stations which included beam, trampoline, rebounder, mat work and swinging rings.
Our children were proud of their achievements and the coaches mentioned how well behaved they were. Everyone showed our school value of "We love challenge" and "We get there together". A huge thank you to Charlotte Verity who spent many hours organising this trip and to our lovely parent helpers.
Our Learning in Mathematics
Hub 10 had an action packed measurement lessons outside last week. We all drew our own fish and measured how many footsteps long they were. The children made comparisons about the length of their fish. e.g. Who had the shortest fish? Who had the longest fish? How many footsteps long is your fish? There was a buzz of excitement and laughter as they worked collaboratively.Statistics and Probability
Hubs 1 to 4 have been looking at statistics and probability. We began our term with a special challenge from Sandy. We were asked to Conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle: - posing and answering questions - gathering, sorting and counting, and displaying category data and discussing the results. Have a look at our statistics slide show which shares the path of our learning.
Statistics Slide Show
Our probability unit ended with a probability extravaganza. The children were involved in playing games which explored probability and then making games of their own to share with others where they used everyday language to talk about chance and classify events as certain, possible, or impossible.
A friendly reminder that the children will be required to wear a named school sunhat in term four. It is really helpful to name the hats in an obvious place where the children can easily see their name. We do have sunscreen at school and the children are encouraged to put this on before play and lunch.
There has been a lot of planting, growing and watching to see the changes as they come about. Thanks to the many donations of 'Little Gardens.' Tamariki have loved the thrill of seeing their efforts result in green shoots popping through the soil or cotton balls. Gail's new entrants enjoyed trying out some science experiments with growing seeds in light, dark, with and without water.
Discovery times have also included many natural reources. Chopping, cleaning and eating fresh carrots, making lavender bags and playing with lavender scented playdough. Next term we look forward to more gardening.
We really enjoyed eating the Micro-greens that we grew from seeds!
There has been so much learning and deep thinking involved across our discovery times, some children built bridges with boxes, or towers out of plastic cups. As the images show, 'a picture speaks a thousand words!'
Making beds for bears and other craft projects in design and technology gives children the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional and creative products.
Term 4
We are all looking forward to having the whole school back at the Beckenham site next term, having opportunities for tuakana -teina. The tuakana - teina relationship, provides a model for buddy systems. An older or more expert tuakana helps and guides a younger or less expert teina. In a learning environment the tuakana–teina roles may be reversed at any time. For example, the student who yesterday was the expert may need to learn from her classmate today. We are also looking forward to having our mediators, sports monitors and older friends to play with in the playground.
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