In hub 3&4 we had our very own Harry Potter visiting to show us his wide-range of magical skills including pulling a bunny rabbit out of a hat. The audience was captivated by this sophisticated techniques and even supported by saying the words abracadabra.
WANTED: Used Toys Still In Good Condition
We have received some quality, used toys over the past couple of weeks. A huge thank you to everyone who has brought them in. We are still on the hunt for more, so please keep us in mind if you are inspired to have a clean out over the holidays. Check out the pictures below of the children focused on their discovery.

Circle Time
Circle Time is one of the many things we do to promote well being amongst the students at Beckenham School. This practice involves the children and teacher sitting in a circle, creating a safe zone for children to share and problem solve together. Some of the topics we have already explored in our hubs are; self-regulation and breathing, compliment giving and kindness, self-management and sharing what's on top.
Koru Celebration Assembly
This week Koru is leading and performing in assembly. We will all be singing Moana's 'How Far I'll Go'. We will also be celebrating Karda and Annabelle who have earned themselves Citizen of the Week. A huge congratulations to Karda and Annabelle! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 6th April at 2:15pm.
Karda you are a superstar learner and classmate. You demonstrate your 'I love challenge' attitude by trying new things with increasing confidence and resilience. Your growing self motivation and positive 'I can' attitude is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for being a role model for us at learning times when you focus and try your very best. Tino pai Karda.
Annie, you are a fantastic learner and friend in Hub 10/11. You have the most beautiful smile, and always look on the bright side of life! You are kind, generous, helpful and always respectful to classmates and adults alike. You put 100% effort into producing top quality work and you are always keen to step up for a challenge. Your attitude is a wonderful example for us all! Thank you for providing sparkle and smiles each and every day for us, Annie. You're a gem!
Any allergies to cats? Annie, you are a fantastic learner and friend in Hub 10/11. You have the most beautiful smile, and always look on the bright side of life! You are kind, generous, helpful and always respectful to classmates and adults alike. You put 100% effort into producing top quality work and you are always keen to step up for a challenge. Your attitude is a wonderful example for us all! Thank you for providing sparkle and smiles each and every day for us, Annie. You're a gem!
Next week, Charlotte would like to bring her kitten in to share with the children. If this causes any problems (e.g. allergies), please email charlotte.verity@beckenham.school.nz.
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